Ryan Gosling and Bradley Cooper Cycle Through Life
By Chris Sabga
Luke Glanton (Ryan Gosling) is a motorcycle stuntman who
works for a touring carnival company. Because of his job, he's never able to
stick around the same place for very long. During one of his stops, he reconnects
with a woman from his past. Romina (Eva Mendes) accepts a motorcycle ride from Luke
to her house but doesn't invite him inside. There are reasons for that. Her
current boyfriend, Kofi (Mahershala Ali), is only one of them. A possible
solution to Luke's problems comes from a new friend, Robin (Ben Mendelsohn),
who runs an auto repair shop.
Avery Cross (Bradley Cooper) is a rookie police officer. He chose
to become a cop instead of following in the footsteps of his father, Al (Harris
Yulin), a retired judge. Avery is squeaky clean and respects the law, perhaps
because he grew up around it. He and his dad have disagreements but seem very
close. Jennifer (Rose Byrne), his wife, worries about the safety of the job.
Some of his colleagues, including Deluca (Ray Liotta), have been at it longer;
they’ve even had to pull out their gun a few times.
If I seem sparse with details, there's a reason for that. Much
more happens. It's better to just sit back and let everything unfold. The movie
is divided sharply into three clear acts. It progresses at a leisurely pace,
but the plot is always advancing. I was never bored. My eyes were glued to the
screen. This is a film that knows how to tell a story!

Throughout the film, people do the right things for the
wrong reasons or the wrong things for the right reasons, and yes, the wrong
things for the wrong reasons. Sometimes decisions have to be made at the spur
of the moment – without any time to calculate their effect. But all actions
have consequences – some far-reaching. Such is the cycle of life.
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