Boyhood vs.
Birdman – The Oscars Grow Up and Soar Into the Sky
By Chris Sabga
Before the Show
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The big buzz this year seems to be centered around "Boyhood"
vs. "Birdman" and which one will win? Almost everyone I
know seems to admire "Boyhood," but very few can bring
themselves to love it. Will
that spell success for "Birdman"? Or will the two
front-runners split the vote, leading to an upset victory for one of
the other six movies? (Yeah right! But stranger things have
Red Carpet
I'm sure that one actress looked great and that other actress over
there looked like she was wearing a garbage bag or brick wall. And
did you see that hideous suit/hairstyle/facial hair on that
actor who was in that movie.
The Oscar
Full results are listed at the end.
I enjoyed the unexpected involvement of Anna Kendrick and Jack Black
in the opening number, and Oscar host Neil Patrick Harris (NPH) being
inserted into past classics such as "Risky Business" and
"Willy Wonka," among others. It was a fun segment – if a
bit long – and you have to admire how much work NPH must have put
into it.
NPH delivered a great zinger equating "American Sniper's"
box office success to Oprah – who was in the audience – with the
other movies' respective earnings being compared to everyone else in
I was hoping against hope that Robert Duvall would win for Best
Supporting Actor, but I knew better. I am very happy for J.K. Simmons
though, who has long been one of my favorites and absolutely deserves
to be rewarded on Oscar's grand stage. He is a hard-working
journeyman actor, and exceptionally good at what he does. It's nice
to see his years of supporting roles and small parts – including,
seemingly, a million and one episodes of "Law & Order"
– finally pay off.
Octavia Spencer is sitting next to her "Red Band Society"
co-star Charlie Rowe. It's a shame that show didn't last.
I'll be a broken record about this every year, but these live musical
performances only slow an already overlong show to a crawl. I really
wish the Oscars were shorter and more streamlined. That isn't a
criticism of the artist, who was fine, just the sluggish format of
the Academy Awards ceremony in general.
I really hope NPH is joking about the overly-expensive and
unnecessarily exorbitant gift bags the Oscar attendees receive –
but I doubt he is. Doesn't Hollywood realize how that comes across to
the rest of the world?
I really thought "Foxcatcher" would win for Best Makeup and
Hairstyling. Was I the only one? But "The Grand Budapest Hotel"
got it. I guess Lobby Boy's hairstyle really wowed the Academy.
It's no Adela Dazeem, but Chiwetel Ejiofor is a chewy mouthful, to
say the least. I'm glad NPH got it right...I think.
"Ida" is pronounced "Eeda," apparently. I'm glad
it won. But bad form, Academy, for trying to cut off Pawel
Pawlikowski's acceptance speech. I wonder how Pawel Pawlikowski is
LEGOs are awesome, and this musical number is awesomely weird as hell
– blue tuxes, rats, cowboys, construction workers, astronauts,
Batman, and other references to the movie and toy line. Where can I
get one of those amazing LEGO Oscar statuettes?
"The Phone Call" won Best Live Action Short. Yes! Yes! Yes!
Another successful Oscar pool prediction for me!
I need to win an Oscar now so I can get a free donut from the Pump
Street Bakery like the "Phone Call" folks.
When there are two Oscar winners, I hate it that only one of
them is seemingly "allowed" to really speak – as was the
case with "The Phone Call." That "rule" didn't
stop the "Crisis Hotline" winners though, and good for
Silver Screen Sister the Second: "John Travolta looks like wax
plastic." Poor Vinnie Barbarino.
Harry Belafonte after winning the Jean Hersholt Humanitarian Award:
"Arts are in fact the voice of civilization." I like that.
NPH is right: British accents really do make everything
Silver Screen Sister the Second: "You can tell Oprah is still
aggravated with him [NPH] about the joke."
I really want Patricia Arquette to win for Best Supporting Actress.
Like J.K. Simmons, she has been around a long time and really
deserves the recognition.
Silver Screen Sister the Second (about Meryl Streep): "How is
this Oscar worthy?" My response: "Because it's [expletive]
[expletive] [expletive] Meryl Streep, and they have to nominate her
for everything."
Patricia wins! Patricia wins! Patricia wins!
Her sentiment about wanting equal wages for working women in America
is admirable – I agree wholeheartedly – but is this really the
place for it? I hate it when Oscar winners use the ceremony as a
soapbox for unrelated causes, no matter how noble they may be.
Besides, no one else will ever be able to top Marlon Brando's
bizarre, outlandish stunt on behalf of Native Americans. (Look it up,
And … Silver Screen Sister the Second taps out after an
hour-and-a-half! "Would you be mad if I went home?" She
left right before the musical number. Smart sister!
Kevin Hart – who is presenting the Best Animated Short – is
surprisingly natural and convincing reading lines that were most
likely written for someone else.
Finally, The Rock has come back to the Academy Awards!
He and Zoe Saldana are presenting the award for Best Animated
The Rock: "I can remember crying my eyes out during The Lion
Zoe Saldana: "How old were you?"
The Rock: "Not important."
He was 20. That was genuinely funny.
NPH introduces the President – long pause! – of the
Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences. I saw the punchline
coming a mile away, but the joke still worked.
We still have – assuming my count is accurate – ten awards left,
and I'm getting sleepy. That isn't a criticism of the show, which has
been fine – I just wish it were faster.
For all of the grief "Queen Meryl" gets, Meryl Streep did a
beautiful job of introducing the "In Memoriam" segment.
Geoffrey Holder (Punjab from "Annie") died? No! I knew
about most of the others, but for some reason, that one caught me
off-guard and made me especially sad. Childhood memories!
How in the hell does "Boyhood" lose for Film
Editing? ("Whiplash" won instead.) "Boyhood"
should've snapped this up, if nothing else. I am guessing this
doesn't bode well for its Best Picture chances. Does "Whiplash"
now have an outside chance for the big prize, based on this
surprising result? We'll see.
I don't usually notice these things, but Octavia Spencer's dress is
absolutely gorgeous. Fascinating fact from her: In response to Martin
Luther King Jr.'s death in 1968, the Oscars were postponed that year.
I never knew that.
NPH on Benedict Cumberbatch: "It's not only the most awesome
name in show business, it's also the sound you get when you ask John
Travolta to announce Ben Affleck." Then Adela Dazeem herself –
Idina Menzel – is announced afterward with Travolta, who
finally gets her name right (he famously mispronounced it last year).
And, as he's about to say the names of the nominees for Best Original
Song, she offers to do it instead. That's great.
"Selma" wins Best Song, and this may be the speech of the
"Secrets and Lies" commercial: Ryan Phillippe's name is
pronounced "Fill-a-pee," not "Fill-eep-ay"? Now I
feel like John Travolta. So does everyone who thinks Ralph Fiennes'
name is pronounced "Ralph." (It's "Rafe." Go
figure! And "Fines," I assume. I'd hate to find out it's
"Fee-en-iss" or something like that.)
Seven awards left. Yep, this
is going past midnight. At least it doesn't feel slow.
Julie Andrews hugging Lady Gaga after Her Ladyship's tribute to "The
Sound of Music" may be the sweetest moment of the evening.
Graham Moore, winner for Best Adapted Screenplay for "The
Imitation Game," revealed that he tried to commit suicide when
he was 16 because he felt "weird" and "different."
Unlike Patricia Arquette's earlier aside about equal wages for women,
this made more sense for him to bring up in the middle of his Oscar
speech because it was a personal and heartfelt story from his own
life, and a nice contrast to his present circumstances of accepting
an Oscar.
"Birdman" won Best Director – and several others.
"Boyhood" only won Best Supporting Actress. I think it's
obvious by now that this won't be "Boyhood's" night.
Eddie Redmayne wins Best Actor, and he's clearly overcome by the
moment. I always prefer these emotional speeches to bland blathering
thanking the Academy, family and friends, cast and crew, pet
goldfish, etc.
That Best Actress clip for "Gone Girl" is a major spoiler.
Why do the Oscars always do this?
NPH's "Oscar predictions" – a hilarious recap of the show
instead of the expected list of which films he thought would win –
was pretty clever. Overall, he was a pretty good host – friendly,
funny, and a comforting presence – a modern-day Billy Crystal in a
way (and that's high praise coming from me). I hope he returns next
Best Picture, finally. Will we get an upset?
Nope. "Birdman" wins.
I wrote that before "Birdman" was announced.
I was right!
The tale of the tape:
Birdman – 4
Boyhood – 1
I wasn't expecting it to be quite so lopsided.
"The Grand Budapest Hotel" also won four awards.
During the Best Picture award, "Birdman" director Inarritu
started talking about Mexico. After giving so many other speeches
already tonight, maybe he finally ran out of things to say about the
Full Results
Picture: "Birdman"
Director: Alejandro
Gonzalez Inarritu, "Birdman"
Actor: Eddie Redmayne,
"The Theory of Everything"
Actress: Julianne
Moore, "Still Alice"
Supporting Actor: J.K.
Simmons, "Whiplash"
Supporting Actress: Patricia
Arquette, "Boyhood"
Original Screenplay: Alejandro
Inarritu, Nicolas Giacobone, Alexander Dinelaris Jr., and Armando Bo,
Adapted Screenplay: Graham
Moore, "The Imitation Game"
Animated Feature: "Big
Hero 6"
Foreign Language Film: "Ida"
Documentary – Feature: "Citizenfour"
Documentary – Short: "Crisis
Original Score: Alexandre
Desplat, "The Grand Budapest Hotel"
Original Song: John
Legend and Common, "Glory" ("Selma")
Sound Editing: "American
Sound Mixing: "Whiplash"
Production Design: "The
Grand Budapest Hotel"
Cinematography: "Birdman"
Makeup and Hairstyling: Frances
Hannon and Mark Coulier, "The Grand Budapest Hotel"
Costume Design: "The
Grand Budapest Hotel"
Film Editing: "Whiplash"
Visual Effects: "Interstellar"
Live Action Short: "The
Phone Call"
Animated Short: "Feast"
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